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Kay Nikole
FTO: this review is long overdue but it's also "my secret". I've used other products in the past but this brand is the best. The quality is great and it does what it's supposed to do. I got it to enhance our quality time and it definitely does that! The scent is heavenly. I'm glad I bought two, a little goes a long way.

Healing Flower Oil: Aye I think you got something going on here FR. I massaged my shit earlier yesterday for like 10 mins and when I woke back up today my muscle feels lighter. Im not 100% but I’m definitely feeling better and able to walk easier not so much with a limp.
Alex Ivey
I like the Beard Duo System because it's not greasy. I used some other beard oils and throughout the day that shit be on my neck, and it gets on my collar. But YOURS DONT DO THAT and that's the best!! It doesn't stain any of my shirts. You did yo shit with that.